Monday Morning Bible Study
We are currently doing the Journey by Adam Hamilton for Advent.
No need to purchase book. Come and join us as we watch a DVD and see the characters in the Christmas story in a new way!
First Friday Night Fellowship
Join us for First Friday Night Fellowship for an evening of fun and games.
child care will be provided

Theology On Tap
For Advent we will look at the book, “Mary Had a Baby”.
Join us for a great discussion on how scripture plays an important part of our spiritual journey and how we live out our faith.

Trunk or Treat!
Halloween is on a Sunday this year!! Let’s provide our kids with a special treat after church before they go trick or treating that night. It’s a great way to show our kids we want them to have a wonderful time on Halloween! (We’re dressing up too! Wear your costume to church that Sunday)
If you’d like to sponsor a trunk please contact us to sign up.

Sunday Morning Service
Join us this Sunday! Service starts at 10:00am in the Sanctuary. It’s Halloween this Sunday! All are welcome to come wearing your costume and join us for Trunk Or Treat after the Service!
We hope to see you there!
Masks are not required but recommended for those unvaccinated.

Men's Breakfast (Zoom)
Join us for food, faith, and fellowship Thursday’s at 7:30 am on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 899 2110 8564
Passcode: 337083

Wednesday Walkers
The Wednesday Walkers are still walking! Join them Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am at the Rails to Trails parking lot on Church St. For more information contact Bev Duncan or contact the church at 860.875.7580

Monday Morning Bible Study
Bible study will meet in fellowship hall. All are welcome to join.
For more information, contact the office at 860.875.7580 or send us your questions below.

Sunday Morning Service
Join us this Sunday! Service starts at 10:00am in the Sanctuary. We hope to see you there!
Masks are not required but recommended for those unvaccinated.

Faith Build Day for Habitat for Humanity
FCCV is sponsoring a Faith Build Day for Habitat for Humanity on Saturday, October 23rd. We need 5-12 volunteers to make this happen in East Hartford. You do not need to have any experience to be on this team. If you would like to “put God’s love in action” by volunteering on this day, please call the church office or leave us a message.

Theology On Tap
Everyone is welcome to join us for Theology On Tap, Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Bring a chair and your favorite beverage and join us for great discussion on how scripture plays an important part of our spiritual journey and how we live out our faith! See you there!

Men's Breakfast (Zoom)
Join us for food, faith, and fellowship Thursday’s at 7:30 am on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 899 2110 8564
Passcode: 337083

Wednesday Walkers
The Wednesday Walkers are still walking! Join them Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am at the Rails to Trails parking lot on Church St. For more information contact Bev Duncan or contact the church at 860.875.7580

Monday Morning Bible Study
Bible study will meet in fellowship hall. All are welcome to join.
For more information, contact the office at 860.875.7580 or send us your questions below.

Theology On Tap
Everyone is welcome to join us for Theology On Tap, Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Bring a chair and your favorite beverage and join us for great discussion on how scripture plays an important part of our spiritual journey and how we live out our faith! See you there!

Men's Breakfast (Zoom)
Join us for food, faith, and fellowship Thursday’s at 7:30 am on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 899 2110 8564
Passcode: 337083

Wednesday Walkers
The Wednesday Walkers are still walking! Join them Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am at the Rails to Trails parking lot on Church St. For more information contact Bev Duncan or contact the church at 860.875.7580

Theology On Tap
Everyone is welcome to join us for Theology On Tap, Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Bring a chair and your favorite beverage and join us for great discussion on how scripture plays an important part of our spiritual journey and how we live out our faith! See you there!

Men's Breakfast (Zoom)
Join us for food, faith, and fellowship Thursday’s at 7:30 am on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 899 2110 8564
Passcode: 337083

Wednesday Walkers
The Wednesday Walkers are still walking! Join them Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am at the Rails to Trails parking lot on Church St. For more information contact Bev Duncan or contact the church at 860.875.7580

Theology On Tap
We’ll be by the pergola next to the parsonage!
Bring your lawn chair and your favorite drink and join in the conversation!